Wednesday, January 10, 2007

2 Clay Pots

That's how we see ourselves. God created us for His use. His skilled hands took us from lumps of useless mud to useful clay pots. Though ordinary, we are now purposeful, even useful at times, disposable to be sure, definitely earthy (from dust to dust) and at least one of us is even fairly round! ;) On the outside we're just clay pots, but on the inside we contain Living Water--and sometimes it wants to spill out! Thus the blog.

G wanted a blog and M already had one that's a pain to access. So this will be our joint venture. G is a scholar and I am a know-it-all so between us I'm sure we'll find something to say!

First: I am thankful to say that I am approaching healthy again. I've got a little way to go yet, but the cancer scare is over as of yesterday--that part of me is FINE. Thank you, Lord! Now just some ongoing mending down South and I'll be as good as, well, maybe not new, but at least as good as I was a year ago!

God is so good, and His goodness does NOT depend on my health, my happiness or my success. In fact, He doesn't need me for anything, but the fact that He reached into my life and let me be a part of His plan and His work is amazing. If He were to take me home tomorrow I could not complain. I have had 23 years (of my 41) of growing closer to Him, and hopefully, growing a little more like Him; and more adventure than I ever expected! His plans for me were so far above and beyond anything I could have planned for myself; I'm just grateful to be His.

The best news of the day was learning that the teenage son of a friend has given his life to Christ and is overflowing with joy; as were we when we learned of it! There is NOTHING more incredible than going from being condemned by sin one moment to being embraced by the Creator of the Universe the next. The difference in his face is so amazing--there is no doubt he is a new creation! Thank you Lord!!